Technical During these 74 years over 20,000 images have been recorded on film with Leicas and Nikons, most with wide angle lenses. The negatives have been scanned for this website. Archival prints have been made (on an ancient Leitz Focomat) on fiber based paper. Color photos: iPhone. |
"Charitable" Purchase These photos are not for sale; SteveG@ desires to remain an amateur. However, an exchange may be made by your contribution to (an agreed upon) registered charity - Photographs copyrighted. |
Design Despite computer illiteratacy SteveG@ is the sole/soul designer of this website. After viewing many books, websites, & record jackets, a Jasper John's painting "inspired" the Table of Contents. |
Gratitude Many thanks to TimK@, Mr. Technician, who put up with my petty demands "... a little darker here", "crop there...", "insert sky", "increase contrast" often reprinting the same picture frequently and still remembers decades later the intricacies of each negative; to PhilomenaO'@ who is a master/mistress of digitizing technology (having attended many significant workshops) and who shares my enthusiasm for my quest; to DaveO@ for his patience to alter the layouts many times over and his ability to program this website despite being handicapped by a business computer and limited software; and especially to LindaS@ who enthusiastically shared in these explorations. -see Dachau. |
“Portrait” of Photographer, SteveG@ Forty five years ago (then famous) Jake Deschin (Popular Photography Mag.) “suggested” that I forego my job to solely devote my talent to photography. Instead, I invested the (necessary) time in this hobby over these extended decades and now (with the digitizing and this website) I have come out of the 'darkroom'. For 74 years I have roamed the nooks and crannies recording our vanishing world "Images Past Bye", explorations in time (not space). Tourists would surely express bewilderment (as Linda & I often do) in being in these locations. “Do you believe we’re really here?” is often heard. Exploring the world with my camera has I believe, increased “my life-value greatly”; I do not explore through the lens but with it; in order to record unusual scenes I wander (often aimlessly) off the beaten tracks and in doing so engage diverse people. These close-up photos of people are taken (with a wide angle intimate lens) usually after personal interaction centering on their histories. Somehow my teasing, my blunt questions, or my friendly yet forceful intrusions into their “personal space" (using the camera as an excuse for being in their yards, homes, stores), …, result in an intimacy that permits close ups without reactions of discomfort. Most of the photos are not meant to be mere recordings but attempts to capture timeless ironies of life. Thereafter, my sincere desire to hear their stories and record their interests/hobbies lead to further invitations. Linda and I have experienced many exciting strange advertures, life histories, weddings, funerals, parties, and unusual meals. Validation of these encounters were exemplified by Pgh visits by Carlos from Lisbon and Tsegna from Sophia. However, I am proudest of the images that normally would be ignored, the unseen: juxtapositions, contrasts, ironies, contradictions, and/or symmetries that to me represent "artistic compositions". My only photojournalistic shoot: London Robbery. Comments, TableContents Personal Bio |